

Life can change in an instant. Jamieson learns this the hard way.

Waking one morning to find he has little-to-no motor control, Jamieson only wants the world to return to how it had been before. After a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis, he thinks his life is over. What he doesn’t know is that it’s only just begun.

Trying to navigate through the world in a body he no longer understands, Jamieson must travel through the dark forest of depression while waging a constant battle against himself. Over time, he learns what he’s truly capable of, and what it actually means to be courageous.

Follow Jamieson as he loses himself…then discovers who he is really meant to be.


Feet walkingTwo Steps at a Time follows my journey as someone who lives with cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis. Visit this blog to read more!

What are people saying?

What a wonderful way to get the message out there. Suffering from a seizure disorder, I know what it’s like to be different, and you’re showing courage in your effort to educate the public. Way to go!

Naomi De Bruyn

My son was born prematurely in 1958.  He weighed 2 lbs. 13 oz. and we didn’t think we would ever get to bring him home.  But when he reached 5 lbs. we brought him home.After he learned to walk, I took him to get some new shoes and the shoe salesman showed me that the heel of his right shoe was pristine; it had never touched the ground.We all commented on his unusual gait and sometimes called him “twinkle-toes” as he seemed to walk on tiptoe, at least on his right leg.When we brought him home, nobody told us he might have cerebral palsy.  After taking him to a specialist, that was the diagnosis.  We were told to give him exercises such as you described, and they hurt him.  A lot.  So the doctor said that maybe when he got older we could do some surgery on that tendon and lengthen it, especially if he wanted to play sports.The only drawback he can see now that he’s a middle-aged man is that his gait seems to affect his back.  On occasion, he goes to a chiropractor who literally “straightens him out.”I’m glad that you have this blog so others will know more about this condition.

Marilyn Morris


I have MS and I think it is funny when people tell me how brave I am. Brave? We don’t really have a choice do we? I guess we could spend our days whining but that would make our lives miserable. Personally I wouldn’t want that. These are the cards we were dealt so we have fun and use our talents to hopefully make our lives better.

Karen Magill