Category: Anthologies

OH YEAH – On Being a Bear

I’ve long struggled with my body and the way I see it. Having always been a bigger man, I’ve always felt like I didn’t belong in a world that likes to feature muscle men or gentlemen that are thinner in stature. I’m guilty of… Continue Reading “OH YEAH – On Being a Bear”

Two New Releases!

I’ve had the honour of having two of my stories included in two different anthologies! I mean, how awesome is that? The best part? You can get both! The first anthology with one of my stories is Mighty: An Anthology of Disabled Superheroes. includes… Continue Reading “Two New Releases!”

Mighty: An Anthology of Disabled Superheroes Paperback

So thrilled! I’ve just handed in my final edits for Captain Maven and the Ice Queen, a short story that will be appearing in Mighty: An Anthology of Disabled Superheroes. Here’s a bit about the book: With great powerchair comes great responsibility… It’s a… Continue Reading “Mighty: An Anthology of Disabled Superheroes Paperback”

Artificial Divide – AVAILABLE NOW!

I’m thrilled that Artificial Divide is out now! It’s an anthology of short stories written by blind and visually impaired authors and each story is told with blind or visually impaired people as the protagonist. It’s a very powerful own voices anthology and I’m… Continue Reading “Artificial Divide – AVAILABLE NOW!”

Love and Catastrophé Poetré Available for Pre-Order!

I’m beyond honoured to have one of my poems included in the new anthology from Broken Keys Publishing. It’s a volume of poems called Love and Catastrophé Poetré. It contains poems that arose from different tragedies and offers a way towards healing. Here’s a… Continue Reading “Love and Catastrophé Poetré Available for Pre-Order!”