Tag: Poems

OH YEAH – On Being a Bear

I’ve long struggled with my body and the way I see it. Having always been a bigger man, I’ve always felt like I didn’t belong in a world that likes to feature muscle men or gentlemen that are thinner in stature. I’m guilty of… Continue Reading “OH YEAH – On Being a Bear”

A Head Full of Clouds – A Poem

My head is f a l l i n g into the sound of s i l e n c e and FULL of clouds. They fly like birds from my mind, taking my thoughts with them and leaving only the *BLISS* of sleep.… Continue Reading “A Head Full of Clouds – A Poem”

A Song on the Wind – A Poem

I can feel the wind holding me. Lifting up my arms, I feel its embrace as it reassures me, tells me its secrets. I tell it some of mine, letting the wind pull them from me like gifts, each one of them given to… Continue Reading “A Song on the Wind – A Poem”

Polar Starlight #5 Is Live!

I’m so excited! The latest issue of Polar Starlight, the Magazine of Canadian Speculative Poetry is live! Inside you’ll find my first ever scifi poem titled Other Worlds Than These. The best part? You can read the entire issue for free! Just go here:… Continue Reading “Polar Starlight #5 Is Live!”

Covidly Speaking in Paperback!

The paperback edition of Covidly Speaking is live! It’s such a joy that my little book is now out in ebook and paperback. Here’s a little bit about Covidly Speaking: The poems in this collection were written during the first two years of the… Continue Reading “Covidly Speaking in Paperback!”